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Posted by Anonymous
No comments | 15:54

Before saying why you should do the paleo diet, let's talk about what it is exactly. It is a diet that consists of foods that existed before agriculture or the advancements into the field of animal husbandry took place. This diet has also been called the caveman diet for this reason. It is based around ancient ways of eating of the wild animals and plants of the time that is called the Paleolithic era. The contemporary paleo diet involves fish, meats, fruit, vegetable, nuts and roots. On this diet, you are not supposed to eat legumes, grains, salt, dairy products, processed oils, potatoes and refined sugar.

It is thought that the paleo diet is more the way humans should eat for their body, and that we have gotten away from it over the years, because of various advancements in the mass production of food. This has been a contributing factor to high blood pressure, over weight condition and other health conditions you might now be suffering with.

This paleo diet is an effective way to lose according to some experts. With losing weight, many diseases can be prevented from cardiovascular disease to diabetes. Since it is a more natural way for the body to get nutrients, the body responds and functions better. Therefore, the body burns calories more efficiently.

Also with the absence of refined sugar, the body's blood sugar levels stay more towards what they should be instead of going so high. When blood sugar levels are high, you are not burning fat stores, so you cannot lose weight very well. When blood sugar levels are at normal or a bit under then your body will reach into the fat stores and you will burn off that unwanted fat.

People who have tried the paleo diet report higher energy levels. They say it takes less time to recover from activity too. It only takes about two weeks for them to see this difference too. So if you are running out of energy during the day, turn to this way of eating to see if it helps boost your energy level.

It is also believed that the paleo diet will improve various gastrointestinal problems. This is due to the human body being basically carnivore in nature and is not made to consume as many carbohydrates as it does today. So if you are suffering from digestive problems on a regular basis this diet is worth discussing with your doctor to see if it will help.

These are just a few reasons to do the paleo diet. Remember this diet just returns to how human ate in the beginning of time and before all the additives used to grow food or raise the animals we get meat from. It is a natural way for your body to eat. Therefore, the food digests better and does not adversely affect the body, at least according to some experts. Try this diet today to see what it can do for you.

Graeme Thompson writes for the Caveman Diet resource website. Visit them for free the paleo diet  recipes and other Paleo diet resources.HERE
Posted by Anonymous
No comments | 03:38
Set your mind, body and lifestyle to celebrate your amazingness. Sweat and work outs? Count on it! You might look silly doing it, but you will not look silly when you are rocking that itty bitty string bikini this summer!

ABOUT author

1977073159Life is a jurney and my journey started in small Mediterranean city Split, on the Adriatic coast, in Croatia. Croatia is European Union country, just near Italy. You probably heard about Dubrovnik? If not, I strongly recommend to visit it. Not just Dubrovnik, whole coast should be a goal. :) If you do not know much about the Mediterranean, please follow my articles where I will show you all hidden secrets, special places, traditions and more importantly Mediterranean Lifestyle. We Mediterraneans are very proud about it. Why? Well, you probably noticed that great looking Italian or Greek guys and Spanish ladies. Did you ask yourself how come that they look so healthy and strong. The answer is hidden in my eBook. It is all about the Mediterranean Lifestyle. As born on Mediterranean I decided to share my experiences with the rest of the world. Beside the fact that I am fitness pro, in love with healthy living and Mediterranian diet (which is actualy not a diet), I have life experience on this subject. Therefore I decided to write “The Mediterranean Body“ where I shared a useful tips and secrets on how to become a super woman. I focused my attention on women’s body most sensitive area, the butt or the booty. The problem is that wherever you go, your booty folows you. :) Therefore I will tell you how woman on Mediterranean looks so attractive and self confident. This eBook is the ultimate guide for your booty make over. But, actualy it is much more. It reveals Mediterranean secret and covers three key sections: mind, body and diet. After reading this book and living it, you will no longer be one of those yo-yo dieters. Combine the kick butt workouts to your Mediterranean diet and boom, done, deal…You have made it. You are now the new and improved version of yourself. Here to stay.


I put together a simple and easy 21-day Trial-Program for you.  Here’s how it works…
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4. As long as you don’t decide to cancel within 21 days, the remaining $35.00 investment in your body (the initial $4.95 processing fee is applied towards the normal $39.95 price) will be billed to you at 21 days from today.  You will NEVER be billed again after this remaining $35.  Of course, if you decide to cancel, it’s as simple as emailing us any time within the 21-day trial period.  It’s that easy!
On top of that, the 60-day Money-Back Guarantee still covers you if you decide at any time that the Program is not working for you… Although, the program WILL work for you if you apply the techniques. I’m sure you can tell that from all of the testimonials you saw above that many of my other readers sent in.

Posted by Anonymous
No comments | 15:14
Do you want to attract the most beautiful women into your life? You can with the process of understanding tools of the trade.
The first thing to do, is to go through and understand the 2 principles that can attract women. One is the process of going through and getting the confidence aspect, which can be surmised as the internal aspect, and the second, is the external aspect, which includes the clothes you wear, and the other aspects.
Both these sections are essential, and can make all the difference in your results.
To really get the best, you will need to factor in both, and there are some options that can make all the difference.
First, you need to go through the confidence aspect, because this makes all the difference in your results.
The main reason why people don't attract the most beautiful women is that they have issues with confidence. Confidence makes all the difference, and there are books, hypnosis sessions and other things that can make all the difference, and allow you to get access to the best!
The next thing to remember is that this internal game is something that makes up a lot of the results you get, but we can't stop there, because there is also the external aspect.
A cleanly shaved person is likely to get better results than someone who looks like cave man!
Likewise aftershave and deodorant is going to make all the difference in your results.
So, invest the time and look at this external game also. However, there something amazing that you can do, and that is to get pheromones.
Pheromones make all the difference, because they are the secret of human attraction. So, when you get a pheromone spray, you can find some amazing benefits. So, invest the time, and you can get the best of the best!
Have you ever wanted to date amazingly hot chicks? Getting with girls needs the right ingredients. You need confidence, and you need pheromones.
We looked around to find the right pheromones, and found one that worked for us, and I wanted to share the link with you.

Posted by Anonymous
No comments | 15:01

programma completo per dimagrire

Qual è il miglior programma esercitata per perdere peso? Ci sono una serie di fattori che è necessario prendere in considerazione per essere sicuri di massimizzare la combustione dei grassi, e non più di treno e rinunciare.

L'esercizio aerobico brucia una percentuale maggiore di grassi.

Esistono due tipi di esercizio. L'esercizio aerobico e di esercizio anaerobico. L'esercizio aerobico è di solito allenamento a bassa intensità, per cui la frequenza cardiaca è spinto a tra il 60 e il 70% della vostra soglia di frequenza cardiaca massima (la soglia di frequenza cardiaca massima è di circa 220 meno l'età). Quando ci si allena in questo intervallo di frequenza cardiaca, gli studi hanno dimostrato che a bruciare la più alta percentuale di grassi.

Ad esempio, si stima l'esercizio del camminare brucia circa il 55-60% di grassi, a seconda dell'intensità. La ragione per cui si bruciano una maggiore percentuale di grasso, è che il vostro corpo combina ossigeno con le vostre riserve di grasso per alimentare i muscoli. Finché si rimane nel campo di bassa soglia, si continuerà a bruciare i grassi. Tuttavia, le sessioni aerobiche lunghe può effettivamente iniziare a bruciare muscolo pure, che è l'opposto di quello che ci serve.

Esercizio anaerobico brucia più grassi in totale

Esercizio anaerobico invece, è la formazione di alta intensità. Il tuo corpo brucia carburante più veloce l'ossigeno e il grasso in grado di fornire, in modo glicogeno (comunemente noto come carboidrati) che viene immagazzinata nei muscoli e nel fegato, è chiamato. Pertanto la percentuale di grassi bruciati diminuisce, rispetto al l'esercizio aerobico, ma la quantità totale di grassi aumenta bruciati, perché tanto più combustibile è necessario per fornire energia per l'alta intensità di raffica. Quindi, in realtà si sta bruciando più grassi con l'esercizio fisico ad alta intensità. Questo è ciò che conta. Più grasso bruciato significa più calorie bruciate (una caloria è una unità di misura di energia). I più calorie si bruciano, più velocemente si perde peso, dato che l'apporto calorico è inferiore a quello delle calorie bruciate.

Il problema con l'esercizio anaerobico

Il problema con l'esercizio fisico ad alta intensità è che l'acido lattico si accumula rapidamente, a causa della mancanza di ossigeno arrivare ai muscoli. L'acido lattico fa sì che la sensazione di bruciore nei muscoli, e ti costringe a rallentare e recuperare.

Il miglior programma di esercizio fisico per perdere peso

Quindi il miglior programma di esercizio per la perdita di peso è una combinazione di allenamento ad alta intensità, in combinazione con periodi di recupero di lasciare il vostro corpo a recuperare. Questo tipo di formazione è conosciuta come l'interval training. Molti sportivi utilizzano questa forma di allenamento per costruire e mantenere la forma fisica negli atleti, ma è stato anche dimostrato definitivamente dagli scienziati al fine di massimizzare la combustione dei grassi, e la perdita di peso. La bellezza di interval training è che non c'è bisogno di spendere così tanto tempo di esercizio. In realtà è dannoso per la vostra perdita di peso farlo.

Ho rivisto due dei migliori programmi di esercizi che pretendono di accelerare la perdita di peso, adottando l'approccio esatto che ho appena descritto sopra, l'interval training. Questi programmi sia consigliano tre sedute a settimana, per non più di 50 minuti ogni sessione.

Se siete interessati ad accelerare la vostra perdita di peso di formazione per brevi periodi di tempo, e solo 3 volte a settimana, per la perdita di peso massimo, controllare la mia recensionedel 

programma completo per dimagrire
Posted by Anonymous
No comments | 14:49

                How to Maximize Muscle Growth                  Without Supplements

It doesn't matter where you turn almost all muscle building workouts that you find in muscle magazines or on the internet are in some way advertising or trying to promote a certain supplement that is suppose to give you gains and results beyond your wildest dreams. The truth of the matter is that half of the supplements endorsed by these bodybuilders in magazines don't even use the supplements they just get paid to let their photo show up beside the product advertisement.
The truth of the matter is that for the most part with some exceptions supplements for what they really provide to you in muscular gains are not even worth half of what they are sold for. A lot of these supplements on the market have been after testing has proven some supplements to be harmful and even fatal in some cases. If you are looking to make huge muscular gains without having to spend a ton of money on useless supplements then you simply need to incorporate a proper nutrition plan in with proper muscle building workouts and you will start seeing some real results.
When maximizing the your muscle growth without the use of supplements there are basically 3 main rules that must be followed in order to see optimal results.
The first and possibly even the most important rule above the muscle building workouts is providing your body with the proper nutrition that your body needs in order to repair broken down muscle and create new muscle fibers. One of the biggest misconceptions about building muscle is that the weight training is what builds muscle. Wrong! weight training stimulates the muscles to grow but nutrition and rest are what cause them to grow.
The next rule is of course allowing an adequate amount of rest after you finish your muscle building workouts. Again workout only stimulate the muscle however nutrition and rest are what actually repair and build the muscle bigger. Way too many people think that more is better when it comes to working out and lifting weights, the truth is that your workouts should only last about 45 min and if you do a split workout you should only be working out 3-4 days per week and each muscle group once per week. If you are doing a full body workout obviously because the volume is much less you can work each muscle group 3 times per week and still see muscle gains.

Finally the last rule is use muscle building workouts that will cause you to go to complete muscular failure. You see by nature your muscles hate to grow and get bigger you have to force them to get bigger and thats why when you exercise a certain muscle group to complete failure you are basically forcing that muscle to grow so that it can handle the new intensity of the exercise next time.
If you are looking to build incredible mass without supplements I recommend reading my natural muscle building guide - No Hype, No B.S Muscle Building. This FREE Muscle guide will give you everything you need to maximize your muscle growth and build that lean muscular physique you want without having to spend a fortune on supplements.

Posted by Anonymous
No comments | 14:38

Fettleber gehört, dass viele Menschen gar nicht bewusst, die sie haben. Ein Grund dies der Fall sein kann, ist, dass jede Zahl von Menschen haben eine Leber Detox-Diät, um Gewicht zu verlieren versucht. Diese Art der Ernährung kann mehr tun, als Ihnen helfen, verlieren einige unerwünschte Fett. Es kann auch helfen, zu verlangsamen oder zu stoppen das Fortschreiten der Fettleber. Diese Krankheit wird durch eine Anhäufung von Fett in den Leberzellen verursacht. Da es keine spezifischen Symptome, die zu diesem Zustand weisen sind, kann es schwierig sein zu bestimmen. Wenn Sie Bedenken, dass Sie in Gefahr sein kann, kann eine Leber Detox-Diät eine große Hilfe sein.

Diese Diät folgt viele der Regeln des guten Essens. Beginnen Sie mit ballaststoffreiche Lebensmittel. Eine Erhöhung in diesem Bereich wird während der Verdauung helfen. Fiber hilft zu verbrennen und zu befreien Ihren Leber überschüssige Fette. Auch wenn Sie eigentlich gar nicht erhöhen Sie die Aufnahme in diesem Bereich, können Sie senken Ihren Verbrauch von Lebensmitteln, die enthalten wenig, wenn überhaupt, Faser. Desserts und Alkohol sollte an der Spitze der Liste stehen.

Low Kalorien Nahrung sollte auch ein Teil der Leber Detox-Diät sein. Nicht nur wird diese Ihnen helfen, um die unerwünschten Pfunde fallen, aber es wird auch helfen, befreien den Körper von überschüssigem Fett in der Leber gespeichert. Ihr Herzmuskel hat, härter zu arbeiten, wenn Sie überschüssiges Fett im Körper haben. Durch die Senkung der Kalorienzufuhr, können Sie diesen Stress auf das Herz zu reduzieren.

Nicht nur, dass Ihre Leber profitieren, sondern Ihr ganzer Körper wird. Dies ist einfacher, als Sie denken. Essen Sie kleinere Portionen häufiger so Ihren Körper zu verbrennen können schneller ab. Auch ersetzen gesündere Lebensmittel für Junk diejenigen. Weizen-Cracker für Chips oder ein alkoholfreies Bier für eine reguläre ersetzt werden. Kleine Schritte machen einen Unterschied.

Reduzieren Sie Ihre Fettaufnahme. Essen Sie mehr Lebensmittel mit niedrigen gesättigten Fettsäuren. Verarbeitete Lebensmittel oft haben diese versteckten in ihnen so anfangen zu lesen Etiketten. Halten Sie Ihre gesamten Fettaufnahme auf weniger als 30% der täglichen Kalorien. Auch hier haben Sie die Aufmerksamkeit auf Etiketten zu bezahlen, aber Ihre Leber und Ihr Leben sind es wert.

Für weitere nützliche Informationen zu diesem Thema gehe zu diesem Standort 
Posted by Anonymous
No comments | 14:21

         Alkaline Food Recipes - What You Want          to Know About It and Some Recipes to Enjoy

Everything is in constant change including the types of foods that we eat. Food chains and packaged foods helped a lot especially with this fast pacing world. But how much do you know about these foods? Do they contain synthetic elements in it?
These alkaline food recipes mainly involve fruits and veggies. These foods contain enzymes and minerals to offset the acidic foods that we eat everyday. These acidic foods are the foods from fast foods, packaged and microwavable foods.
One important thing to neutralize these acids is to have high level of alkaline in the body. There are alkaline food recipes that can help you build the alkalinity level in your body. These alkaline recipes will help you keep your pH level balanced and keeps your body from diseases. The main purpose of these high alkaline recipes is for you to eat vast amount of veggies and fruits than oil and fat rich foods like meat. To help you boost your alkaline level, try these high alkaline recipes.
Gluten free pumpkin bread is one. Just bake a whole pumpkin until it's soft. Let it cool then peel and mash. Add 300g of gluten free flour, 2 tsp. baking powder and 1 tsp. Italian seasoning. Knead and gradually add water until smooth. Divide into regular size cakes and bake for 30-45 minutes, let it cool and serve. This is a really healthy recipe and tastes fabulous, too!
Another great recipe is the combination of grape fruits and lemons. Just squeeze 2 grape fruits and 4 lemons. Add water, 2 tbsp. of UDO's choice and acidophilus plus a little of ginger and garlic juice. Mix and drink! This is a refreshing drink and you will enjoy drinking it while having the benefits of a high alkaline recipe.
Alkaline food recipes do not end there! Take 2 cups of water, 2 beetroots, 2 carrots, 2 celery tops, 1 zucchini, 3 cups stock of celery and 2 cups of red potatoes. Put everything on a pot, bring to a boil and simmer for 30-45 minutes. Strain and discard the veggies. Now you have a very high alkaline broth!
Miso is one food that is very high in alkaline content. To enjoy the benefit of this miso, you can have a miso soup. To do this, take 2 tsp. of miso and put it in an amount of water. Bring to a boil, add some iodize salt and pepper to taste. This is a simple recipe but with a vast benefit of alkaline. This is good for cold winter days.
Do you love salad? Here is one salad that is really rich in alkaline, the green salad. Take some chopped cabbage, salad leaves, chopped onion and a large tomato. Mix and add a little vinegar to taste. Toss in some boiled chicken or tofu and oregano. This has a little meat included, enough to keep your energy level all throughout the day.
You can find more high alkaline recipes on cookbooks, ebooks and on the internet. All you need to do is spend time searching and browsing the internet for some. Start doing this right now and you will see great results in your health!


GET NEW 2013

Posted by Anonymous
No comments | 12:43
The Grinder Strength Pull-up “How to Improve Your Pull-upsis the E-book for you.
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  • 30 day workouts for beginners, intermediate and advanced athletes
Grinder Strength Pull-up E-book has Pull-up progressions from starting with band pull-ups working your way up the ladder to Chest to bar pull-ups.
Grinder Strength Pull-up E-book has 3 Interviews from top Pull-up coaches Stew Smith, Zach Even-Esch and Al Kavadio. All tops in the field of helping you get better at pull-ups.
Grinder Strength Pull-up E-book has 60 pages packed with workouts, videos, interviews and no BS advice to get your chin over the bar.
Proof of purchase of the Grinder Strength Pull-up E-book will get you unlimited pull-up questions with Brad McLeod, former Navy SEAL and CrossFit level 1 certified trainer. Not many fitness books give you thatkind of direct correspondence with the coach/writer. A great deal and a good way to learn.
This E-book is GUARANTEED to improve your pullups or your money back in full. If you go through all 90 days of workouts and document your workouts in your training log — and you dont show any improvement – we will refund your money. We are confident that if you workout hard and follow this E-book workout you will improve.
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Get your E-book PDF copy now through Clickbank and have email access to the Coach and asking pull-up questions right away.

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I’m so confident that you’ll LOVE The Grinder Strength Pullups ebook, that if within 60 days you decide you don’t like it, I’ll give you a FULL 100% REFUND no questions asked.

Posted by Anonymous
No comments | 12:04

14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan

Here’s a taste of what’s inside the 14 day rapid fat-loss guide that will lead you through two weeks of your fastest fat loss ever…
  • The easiest way to feast on LOTS of carbs and NEVER store them as fat, while you SHUT OFF your body’s “dependence” on burning sugars and trigger your metabolism to use fat FIRST for energy every time you eat and exercise…
  • The 3 Day Macro-Patterning™ Solution where you use a strategic sequence of Deplete Days along with higher Carb UP days and FREE Days to “outsmart” your metabolism and legitimately FORCE stubborn fat to be your “go to” energy source while STILL enjoying all your favorite foods.
  • How to master and take control of your body’s #1 fat-burning hormone through higher carb intake and heal ANY damage you may have caused to your metabolism from previous dieting.
  • The one and only time you should AVOID carbs and EXACTLY when you should gorge on carbs for FASTER fat burning.
  • How to cut your exercise time in HALF using a brand new, scientifically proven, cutting-edge exercise protocol that is specifically designed to target lower belly fat and force the release of stubborn fat into the blood stream so you can burn it off – in LESS than 15 minutes
  • A 90 second exercise trick that can reset your leptin signaling and ensure all your favorite cheat foods are “partitioned” (stored) inside your muscle tissue – INSTEAD of “spilling over” and being converted to fat.
  • A 14 day exercise schedule laid out synergistically to work with EACH specific Macro-Patterning™ Day to create the fastest fat loss possible.


Posted by Anonymous
No comments | 08:03
perfect favorite healthy food
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Foods to Boost Your Sex Drive
I bet you didn't know celery was an aphrodisiac, Check out the rest. http://bit.ly/1bh5Kwx

Benefits of Drinking More Water
Look and feel your best by adding a little more water to your day http://bit.ly/16EraN6

The Best And Worst Foods For A Good Night's Sleep
Having trouble sleeping? It could have a lot to do with the food you eat. http://bit.ly/16Erf3r

15 Shocking Fast Food Facts
We all love McDonalds, but what's really going on with the fast food industry? http://bit.ly/1bh6e5V

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A sushi wedding cake? These wedding cakes are so bad you have to see them>> http://bit.ly/1bh6kuf

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 the biggest food on earth; a 2-ton cheesecake?! http://bit.ly/1bh6XUw