Alkaline Food Recipes - What You Want to Know About It and Some Recipes to Enjoy
These alkaline food recipes mainly involve fruits and veggies. These foods contain enzymes and minerals to offset the acidic foods that we eat everyday. These acidic foods are the foods from fast foods, packaged and microwavable foods.
Gluten free pumpkin bread is one. Just bake a whole pumpkin until it's soft. Let it cool then peel and mash. Add 300g of gluten free flour, 2 tsp. baking powder and 1 tsp. Italian seasoning. Knead and gradually add water until smooth. Divide into regular size cakes and bake for 30-45 minutes, let it cool and serve. This is a really healthy recipe and tastes fabulous, too!
Another great recipe is the combination of grape fruits and lemons. Just squeeze 2 grape fruits and 4 lemons. Add water, 2 tbsp. of UDO's choice and acidophilus plus a little of ginger and garlic juice. Mix and drink! This is a refreshing drink and you will enjoy drinking it while having the benefits of a high alkaline recipe.
Miso is one food that is very high in alkaline content. To enjoy the benefit of this miso, you can have a miso soup. To do this, take 2 tsp. of miso and put it in an amount of water. Bring to a boil, add some iodize salt and pepper to taste. This is a simple recipe but with a vast benefit of alkaline. This is good for cold winter days.
Do you love salad? Here is one salad that is really rich in alkaline, the green salad. Take some chopped cabbage, salad leaves, chopped onion and a large tomato. Mix and add a little vinegar to taste. Toss in some boiled chicken or tofu and oregano. This has a little meat included, enough to keep your energy level all throughout the day.
You can find more high alkaline recipes on cookbooks, ebooks and on the internet. All you need to do is spend time searching and browsing the internet for some. Start doing this right now and you will see great results in your health!
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