Set your mind, body and lifestyle to celebrate your amazingness. Sweat and work outs? Count on it! You might look silly doing it, but you will not look silly when you are rocking that itty bitty string bikini this summer!
Life is a jurney and my journey started in small Mediterranean city Split, on the Adriatic coast, in Croatia. Croatia is European Union country, just near Italy. You probably heard about Dubrovnik? If not, I strongly recommend to visit it. Not just Dubrovnik, whole coast should be a goal.
If you do not know much about the Mediterranean, please follow my articles where I will show you all hidden secrets, special places, traditions and more importantly Mediterranean Lifestyle. We Mediterraneans are very proud about it. Why? Well, you probably noticed that great looking Italian or Greek guys and Spanish ladies. Did you ask yourself how come that they look so healthy and strong. The answer is hidden in my eBook. It is all about the Mediterranean Lifestyle. As born on Mediterranean I decided to share my experiences with the rest of the world. Beside the fact that I am fitness pro, in love with healthy living and Mediterranian diet (which is actualy not a diet), I have life experience on this subject. Therefore I decided to write “The Mediterranean Body“ where I shared a useful tips and secrets on how to become a super woman. I focused my attention on women’s body most sensitive area, the butt or the booty. The problem is that wherever you go, your booty folows you.
Therefore I will tell you how woman on Mediterranean looks so attractive and self confident. This eBook is the ultimate guide for your booty make over. But, actualy it is much more. It reveals Mediterranean secret and covers three key sections: mind, body and diet. After reading this book and living it, you will no longer be one of those yo-yo dieters. Combine the kick butt workouts to your Mediterranean diet and boom, done, deal…You have made it. You are now the new and improved version of yourself. Here to stay.
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