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gray, silver or white hair is a normal part of growing older. You can
start to get gray at any age because hair turns gray due to age and
genetics. In fact, as you get older pigment cells in your hair
follicles start to die. Hair has two types of pigments, dark and light.
These pigments blend together to make a wide range of colors. Gray
hair is more noticeable if you have dark hair to start. What is needed
is something that will counteract this natural occurrence. Something
that will help return your hair to its natural color and health.
Some things that can cause gray hair are:
Thyroid disorders
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Early menopause
is made up of two parts; the root and the shaft. Hair color is
controlled in the root with the chemical melanin. The formation of
melanin begins before birth. As you continue to get older, fewer
pigment cells will be around to produce melanin. The light or dark
color of your hair depends on how much melanin each hair contains. As
your melanomas weaken and cease to function they produce less melanin
and gray will gradually set in. Chances of turning gray increase 10-20%
every decade after age 30.
Studies have reported that gray
hair is caused due to a chemical reaction to hydrogen peroxide that
defeats melanin. We would like to offer you No More Gray with
Catalyses. You were born with Catalyses but it diminishes as you age.
This enzyme brakes down hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water
allowing melanin to again control the color of your hair.
Visit us at No More Gray and the other hair care, skin care and health care products we offer.
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