We've all been there at some point, and I was also guilty of this when I started exercising. The kind of people that I am talking about can be found in every gym around the world: The guy or girl who does countless numbers of sit-ups, crunches and leg raises every time they workout.
These exercises, and other abdominal exercises, will build muscle around the abdominal area, but they are by no means going to give you a guaranteed six-pack. They will just give you the ability to have a six-pack. You need to get rid of the actual belly fat to see the results of all of your hard work.
This is why so many people fail to achieve the results that they are looking for! They build the muscle underneath the fat, but they feel as if they have failed because there is still a layer of fat preventing that muscle and definition from being visible.
The first half (the exercise) is simple. The second half (the diet) is a bit more complicated, but we need both pieces of the puzzle in order to make it work. This is the truth about abs that those annoying exercise machine advertisements forget to mention.
The 3 things that you can start doing right now are:
1. Eat at least 40 grams of fiber everyday.
2. Exercise first thing in the morning (before eating).
3. Completely cut out processed sugar from your diet.
If you follow these 3 simple steps consistently, you will notice after a few weeks that your belly fat will begin to melt away.
The increased fiber will be cleansing your body of unwanted fats, exercising in the morning will set up your metabolism for the whole day and by cutting out processed sugar, you wont be adding as much to the problem.The truth about abs is simple: You just have to ensure that you are burning the fat as well as doing the exercise. Whether you have abs like Arnold Schwarzenegger or the complete opposite, these 3 simple steps will help you burn belly fat with little effort.
John Stamford is a personal trainer, nutritionist and an expert in everything relating to fat loss.
Visit his website HERE "One Tip That May Be Preventing You From Losing Fat".
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