Tip #1
Choose a way of eating that you can do for life. Eating healthy should be a lifestyle, not just something you do in order to lose weight. Research and find a healthy eating plan that you feel will work for your life. A good one to consider is the "clean eating" method which avoids all processed foods.
Tip #2
Invest in a low-budget home gym. This can include very basic equipment such as dumbbells, yoga mat, elastic bands, adjustable bench, medicine ball, jump rope, stability ball, and door frame pull-up bar. This is equipment that you will find yourself using more often than the expensive machines found in local gyms.
Tip #3
Be picky when you are dining out. Trying new restaurants is one of my favorite things but it can cause weight gain if you are not cautious. When dining out, don't be afraid to ask for substitutions to make your meal healthier. Ask for vegetables as a side or ask the chef prepare your food without butter, etc. Many restaurants are happy to accommodate.
Tip #4
Track your progress using notebooks. Many people find it helpful to track their progress by writing down what they eat as well as what type of exercise they performed. It is nice to have something to look back on so that you stay accountable for your eating and exercise.
Tip #5
Set small goals rather than large ones. It is easy to say you want to lose 30 pounds or more but it can seem like such an unattainable goal when you are starting out. Try mini-goals such as losing one pound per week. Reward yourself for reaching your small goals. Over time, these small goals add up and lead to your overall goal.
Remember that what we eat and the physical activity we perform are the keys to burning fat and losing stomach fat. It helps to get a complete physical from your doctor so that you can figure out how many calories you should consume for weight loss as well as what type of exercise you should start out with.
Most of all, keep a positive attitude and you will reach your goals.
Bonus Tip #6
A healthy meal replacement shake may help with your weight loss goals. Learn why I buy Shakeology - my favorite meal of the day! It contains 70 healthy ingredients and blends easily with ice. Watch a video about this amazing product here
Eartha Haines is an Independent Beachbody Coach and helps others reach their fitness goals as well as starting their own home based fitness business.
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