Learning how to get your ex girlfriend back from a new boyfriend requires patience and a lot of self-control. Your first instinct will be to panic or to get angry. It's the mindset of, "I need to do something quick or I'll lose her forever." or "I can't believe she's dating such a douchebag."
However, acting out of desperation, anger, or in an emotionally heightened state will actually push her away for good. This is where the patience and self-control comes into play.
Women love men who are in control both mentally and physically, so if you can't even control your own emotions, she won't be drawn to you. Instead of getting angry, focus on understanding women and being the guy they need you to be.
Do this without resorting to dirty or manipulative tactics (like those often used by pick up artists) and maintain your inner "nice guy". When you hear "nice guys finish last" what that really means is "needy guys finish last". Women want and deserve a "nice guy" who treats them well so long as he is still confident and in control without being arrogant or abusive.
Neediness brings about the death of any relationship, so you need to step back and get rid of any neediness you may be feeling. In fact, it's a good idea to follow a no contact rule for 30 days.
Letting her miss you will help and this gives you time to get your own thoughts and emotions in order. After a little time passes, you may even decide you don't really want her back.
Remember, neediness is the opposite of attraction so you should always live by the mantra, "I WANT my ex girlfriend in my life, but I don't NEED my ex girlfriend in my life." When your actions and words come from having that mindset, you're much more likely to be magnetically attractive to women (including your ex girlfriend).
Being strong enough to not need her makes you more attractive. If she knows she can date another guy and you'll still be there waiting for her when it doesn't work out, then she will have no fear of losing you and you'll remain on the back burner or stuck in the "friend zone" for all eternity.
Don't be afraid to go out and date other women. In fact, you should. One of the best ways to get a girl interested in you is for other girls to be interested in you. In order to do this, you must be a guy who has an active social life.
Ever seen a woman get extremely jealous? Look out. Jealousy can work to your advantage if you use it correctly.
Next, be busy. Don't always be available or instantly drop everything you're doing if she suddenly calls or texts wanting to meet up with you. You shouldn't be her "emotional crying post" every time she has a bad day and needs someone to talk to (unless of course you just want to remain "friends").
If you want her back, she needs to feel like she could lose you.
You also need to understand that logic and romance are like oil and water; they don't mix. You'll never get your ex girlfriend back from a new boyfriend by telling her all the reasons she should be with you.
You also won't get her back by giving her 101 reasons why the guy she's currently dating is a jerk. If you want her back, you have to let go of any anger you have over her dating another man, even if you just broke up a couple days ago and she's already with someone else.Just giving her a list of reasons why you're the best man for her won't work, but you can still convey through your words and actions that you're the confident, in control man (who isn't creepy or weird) that she's biologically wired to be drawn to.
An excellent way to do this is through the use of your cell phone and text messages. It's one of the best methods when your ex girlfriend is dating a new boyfriend because texting is subtle, non-confrontational, private, and gives you incredible access to your ex.
To learn more about getting your ex back using text messages, visit us HERE
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